Public Icons

A collection of icons dedicated to the public domain. Free for you to use, modify, and share. These icons are designed for screen⁃use alongside a bold sans⁃serif font. Other weights are planned. Read more about the project.

Created by David Merfield.

— Everything written symbols can say has already passed by. They are like tracks left by animals. That is why the masters of meditation refuse to accept that writings are final. The aim is to reach true being by means of those tracks, those letters, those signs — but reality itself is not a sign, and it leaves no tracks. It doesn’t come to us by way of letters or words. We can go toward it, by following those words and letters back to what they came from. But so long as we are preoccupied with symbols, theories, and opinions, we fail to reach the principle.
— But when we give up symbols and opinions, aren’t we left in the utter nothingness of being?
— Yes.

Kimura Kyūho, Kenjutsu Fushiki Hen
[On the Mysteries of Swordsmanship],

From the epigraph to The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst.